Audio issue - was Re: Starting Wayland-KDE on FC39

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat Dec 9 12:52:16 GMT 2023

On Saturday December 09 2023 10:59:53 Duncan wrote:

There are a few writers on this list...! :)

>BTW, you're not doing audio via HDMI off the video card, right?  I'm not 
>sure that's an exactly common configuration (but then again I'm more 

I don't know how common that is on Linux either (esp. not when using PulseAudio that forces one of 2 sampling rates on the output) but AFAIK it's quite common as a means to send "bitperfect" audio to an AV amp under MSWin. I've been doing that for the past 15 years at least, using a lowly Acer netbook as my "content server".

Anyway, if ever the OP's sound was indeed configured to go through a digital profile like HDMI there's a potential explanation for not having sound after an upgrade that I experienced myself. Probably unlikely because I can't imagine that F38 using ALSA 1.1x and F39 ALSA 1.2x but somewhere between those versions the "resource directory" was reorganised requiring a change to the system-wide and/or your personal configuration file (if you have the latter). See

I *suppose* it's not impossible that a personal ALSA configuration might break during a more minor ALSA upgrade, so if you do have one it might be a good idea to double-check it, or see if sound returns when you move that config file aside.


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