Problems with KDE 3.1

snpe snpe at
Thu Jan 30 22:30:34 GMT 2003

You must compile qt with anti-alias (-xft)
RH 8.0 have problem with qt-3.1.1 and Xft .You must add -lfontconfig library.
Problem is freetype, too.You try freetype-2.1.3
You need doxygen package for documentation (specially for kdelibs api)
I don't know for konstruct - this is like in COMPILING file.

Haris Peco

On Thursday 30 January 2003 18:50, Dusan Djordjevic wrote:
> Hi all,
> I built KDE 3.1 on Red Hat 8.0 using konstruct. I built it using simple
> make install in meta/kde dir, so everything is on default. It is placed
> in ~/kde3.1. It works fine except 2 problems. First, it didn't bult
> documentation, which is not big problem. But problem is that anti
> aliasing isn't working. It is turned on in control center, but doesn't
> work at all. Is there anything special I should do to turn it on ?

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