Hello, this is some bugs that i have encountered with kde for windows. <br><br>On a windows 7 x64 it is impossible to change language application (even with kde-i10-XX installed)<br><br>On a windows xp SP3, no problem to change language application, but kpat crash on startup (kpat don't crash on my windows 7 system)<br>
<br>All this bug was constated on a clean install of kde for windows with the last version (4_8)<br><br>Are this bug know ? If they are know, is there a workaround ? How can i help the kde windows team to resolve these bugs ? <br>
<br>(Sorry for my bad english, my mothertoungue if french)<br><br clear="all"><br><br>-- <br>Scelzo Patrick Jean <br>Entreprise de programmation informatique Exostum<br>Code SIRET : 514 550 763 00015<br>Code APE : 6201Z (Programmation Informatique)<br>
<a href="mailto:webmestre@exostum.net" target="_blank">webmestre@exostum.net</a> (adresse courriel professionnelle)<br><a href="mailto:webmestre@codesgratis.fr" target="_blank">webmestre@codesgratis.fr</a> (adresse courriel professionnelle)<br>
<a href="mailto:finalserafin@gmail.com" target="_blank">finalserafin@gmail.com</a> (adresse courriel personnelle)<br>06 61 65 13 47<br><a href="http://www.exostum.net/" target="_blank">http://www.exostum.net/</a><br><br>"Final Sérafin"<br>