emerge python code

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Sat Jan 8 14:14:41 CET 2011

while trying to understand the code, I just checked it with

the output of errors, warnings and violation of conventions is
about 2000 lines before pylint dies...
Most of it is harmless of course, like formatting issues, and
every developer has her own preferences.

but I also quickly found obvious bugs like calling undefined functions

E1101:236:baseclass.git_unpack: Module 'utils' has no 'replaceGitUrl' member
E1101:265:baseclass.unpack: Module 'utils' has no 'applyPatches' member

I hope this is just unused code of course.

In Kajongg, I have a pylintrc file plus locally disabled checks in
the source and a git commit hook which does not let me commit anything
as long as pylint spits out messages (I use git only locally).

I would like to get emerge into such a state. With a lot of small
patches. And adding docstrings everywhere so that the help() method
in python actually shows something helpful.

Would that be OK?

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