useless discussion on MinGW/MSVC & releasing apps

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Dec 21 11:55:51 CET 2007

On 21.12.07 11:34:13, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> I wonder why we need such a dicussion every now and then. Imho we
> decided to support both compilers - so no discussion here any more.


> The only thing you could discuss is wheter we should (officially)
> support gcc4.2.1 and msvc2008. As gcc4.2.1 is only a technology preview
> I personally would not even consider them using it in anything other
> than a test environment...

Well, for now thats probably Ok, but I hope we can switch to gcc4.2 or
even 4.3 for the first release already.

> I also don't understand why someone thinks about releasing any kde4 app
> before 4.1. There're so much open issues in kdelibs and I did not see a
> *single* checkin to fix them! Looks like you only want to get some
> public attention without thinking about what you want to release.

Do we have a list of all these issues? I suspect I can find out some
things by simply building and trying a kde app, but having them written
down might be a good thing.

Maybe we should ask for a bugzilla component for kde-win specific issues
so we can track them?


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