Hey everyone, today we had a meeting on irc, here are meeting minutes, thanks everyone who joined<br clear="all"><div><br></div>People present:<br> mck182, d_ed, apol, scummos, Frank (Knarfy), vHanda, domme (idling), dvratil (LATE!!!), drdanz (even later), scarpino (even even later)<br>
<br>Start in 13:10, d_ed chairs<br><br>Agenda:<br> * know what everyone is working on (especially kpeople)<br> * discuss kpeople plans<br> <br>**NEWS**<br> - dvratil and d_ed are new TpQt maintainers --> we can get stuff in TpQt we want/need<br>
- they need help reviewing stuff - nothing goes in without review<br> - merging Qt-bindings for CMs is a priorty<br> - and drdanz's thing<br>- afiestas has been working on Web/Accounts support, will be in 0.7, WebAccounts release with 4.12<br>
- we have 2 GSoC students<br> - scummos working on collaborative editor based on ktp, libinfinity, tubes<br> - relevant repositories, in case anyone is interested, are scratch/brauch/libqinfinity, scratch/brauch/kobby (the kobby-plugin branch atm)<br>
- flak37 (the other GSoC student) is working on sending SMS messages using Telepathy and ModemManager3<br>- d_ed working on QML port of Text-UI - details at <a href="http://community.kde.org/KTp/Tasks/TextUIQML">http://community.kde.org/KTp/Tasks/TextUIQML</a><br>
- there's a scratch repo with a test qml script and a fake model, it's easiest to hack on that if you want to play<br> - general summary - not yet sure if 0.7 is the target, possibly Qt5 only? (if something needs QtQuick2)<br>
<br><br>Libkpeople:<br> <a href="http://community.kde.org/KTp/libkpeople">http://community.kde.org/KTp/libkpeople</a><br> Current state:<br> - it "works"<br> - Performance is good, only a few rough edges<br>
- contact list ready in ~7 days<br><br><br>Moving to ktp-contactlist with KPeople<br><br>-1 Release a version of ktp-contactlist using KPeople from a different branch as it was considered for0.6<br><br>- we argued that it's not the best idea since we're closer to 0.7 now<br>
<br>- Merge the ktp-contactlist to master. There are approaches<br><br>-2 Make KPeople a REQUIRED dependency<br><br>-3 Make the model selection switchable/configurable (we need to decide which what decisions we take)/mv<br>
<br>Voting ended up favouring option 3.<br><br><br>0.7 schedule<br> - release before 4.12 (feb 2014) for webaccounts<br> - Attempted release date around September<br> - features in 0.7<br> - LaTeX filter in Text-UI - scarpino, done<br>
- possibly collaborative editing - GSoC by scummos<br> - dynamic contact tube actions based on service .desktop files - d_ed will work<br> - Nepomuk metadata with file transfers? (vHanda groans) - drdanz, in progress<br>
- KTp contactlist using KPeople optionally<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Meeting ended ~14:15.</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers</div>-- <br><div><span style="color:rgb(102,102,102)">Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer</span></div>