<div>Hey all,</div><div><br></div><div>to make the translators' life & work easier, we were advised to either branch now or release and branch then (release is in 18 days). Last time we branched 0.2 off because I worked in Berlin and had plenty of patches to merge in, but now I'm aware of only ~2 patches waiting to be merged for 0.5, minor ones at that, so there's not much reason to branch now (also because the development is quite stalled atm).</div>
<div><br></div><div>Still, do you want/need to branch our code now? Or is it ok to wait until the release? I'm personally in favor of waiting until the release to save the hassle with branches and wrong commits destroying branches and having David fix everything etc.</div>
<div><br></div><div>If noone objects, I'll mail the translators this afternoon-ish that we're staying with master.</div><div><br></div>--<div><font color="#666666">Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer</font></div><br>