[kde-solaris] [kde-discuss] KBE 1.0 - Build enviroment for KDE

Stefan Teleman stefan.teleman at Sun.COM
Tue Dec 11 19:57:23 CET 2007

Shawn Walker wrote:

>> Who are the "*other* developers" who depend on a build of QT that
>> depends on libCstd.so.1 ? There is no QT right now in Solaris, QT3 or
>> QT4, therefore there cannot be any "other developer" who depends on
>> any particular build configuration of QT.
>> RedHerring #2: We can't do <X> because of a non-existent hypothetical
>> situation <Y>.
> Bull. I would bet that most Qt developers that are running Solaris are
> building and using the "standard C++ library"; not stdcxx.

I think you mean the Sun libCstd.so.1. The Standard C++ Library is 
just that, a Standard. There are several different implementations 

Facts. Do you have any documented facts to back up your assertions ? 
Noone is interested in "i would bet", "i guess", "i think", "i feel". 
  We want facts. Do you have any ? Do you know of any QT distribution 
which installs, right now, under /usr, and which would create a 
conflict ? Can you provide an URL to it ?

> As a result, they would be depending on a version of Qt not built with stdcxx.

As a result of what ? Your guess, which is based on an assumption ?

> Are you really going to force them to relocate their build of Qt to a
> different place (possibly) just because you want to build yours
> against stdcxx which is not an expectation?

I don't know the hypothetical installation location of the 
hypothetical QT build where these hypothetical QT developers have 
installed their hypothetical QT libraries. Neither do you.

If anyone has built and installed *any* software under /usr, in 
Solaris, they have assumed the risk that Sun Microsystems, Inc. might, 
at some point in the future, decide to install the exact same thing 
under /usr, thereby overwriting said poor choice of installation location.

*This one* is a known fact.


Stefan Teleman
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
stefan.teleman at Sun.COM

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