[kde-solaris] How to install KDE on Solaris 10

Stefan Teleman steleman at nyc.rr.com
Sat Oct 15 11:29:22 CEST 2005

On Saturday 15 October 2005 00:42, Mr. Guislain wrote:
> I installed Solaris 10 on an Asus k8v AMD platform.
> Since I am coming from the Linux world (Slackware), I am used to KDE, which
> I like very much, all my desktop system is based on it.
> I would like to have it on Solaris 10.
> It is already there.
> The question is: how can I have it working?

Which KDE ? The one from here (Sun Studio build) ? The one from Blastwave ? or 
the one from the Sun Companion CD ?

If it's already installed, it should show up in the Sessions Menu on the 
dtlogin screen. But i need to know a little more about which build of KDE you 
are using. :-)


Stefan Teleman          'Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition'
steleman at nyc.rr.com                          -Monty Python

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