Fwd: [kde-solaris] KDE 3.1.4 for Solaris built with Forte 8

Hansjoerg Maurer Hansjoerg.Maurer at dlr.de
Thu Dec 11 13:57:14 CET 2003


I have followed the thread above.
Does that mean, that KDE 3.1.4 ist already available?
If yes, where (I didn't find it in  stable/3.1.4/contrib)

Thank you very much




Dr.  Hansjoerg Maurer           | LAN- & System-Manager
Deutsches Zentrum               | DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
  f. Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.   |
Institut f. Robotik             |
Postfach 1116                   | Muenchner Strasse 20
82230 Wessling                  | 82234 Wessling
Germany                         |
Tel: 08153/28-2431              | E-mail: Hansjoerg.Maurer at dlr.de
Fax: 08153/28-1134              | WWW: http://www.robotic.dlr.de/

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