<p dir="ltr">It's amazing the level of analysis-paralysis we can achieve. Where is the Telegram group I can join? If anybody thinks that tool X, Y or Z different than Telegram would be great, let's have that too!</p>
<div class="gmail_quot<blockquote class=" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><br>
> El 11 mar 2016, a las 06:01, Pali Rohár <<a href="mailto:pali.rohar@gmail.com">pali.rohar@gmail.com</a>> escribió:<br>
>> On Friday 11 March 2016 09:44:01 Alexander Semke wrote:<br>
>> Nicolás, Valorie, thank you for your answers.<br>
>>> As far as I know there is nothing open about Slack.<br>
>>> The Telegram protocol is public, every official Telegram client is free<br>
>>> software, there are no features limited to paying users...<br>
>>> [...]<br>
>> If I understand it correctly, there is nothing open about the server<br>
>> implemenation and infrastructure. So, I'm not sure how much the openness on<br>
>> the client side help here.<br>
>> I also found this older article<br>
>> <a href="http://unhandledexpression.com/2013/12/17/telegram-stand-back-we-know-maths/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://unhandledexpression.com/2013/12/17/telegram-stand-back-we-know-maths/</a><br>
>> which I found quite interesting, especially the longer discussion in the<br>
>> comments between the author of the article and some guy from Telegram.<br>
> Thats exactly what I wanted to point out. Like Schneier's Law:<br>
> "any person can invent a security system so clever that she or he can't<br>
> think of how to break it."<br>
> So be careful about home-made security encryption in software like<br>
> Telegram. It does not mean that it is secure...<br>
We'll use public Telegram groups, not one-to-one end-to-end-encrypted secret chats, so how is that relevant? What threat is it potentially not secure against?<br>
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