If you are building trunk then first clean[remove] all the files in your build directory<br>then<br>1) for fedora users >> <a href="http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Distributions/Fedora">http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Distributions/Fedora</a><br>
i will update blog for this how to get started building kde4 trunk<br><br>2) if cmakekde complains makeobj not found then install yum install kdesdk*<br><br>3) <a href="http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE_Support">http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE_Support</a><br>
you need to compile kdesupport though many distros gives you support but still its good in my opinion if you build on your own<br> check the prequisites for building kdesupport<br> WARNING >> If kdesupport is not built and you try compiling directly kdelibs then you go #fail everytime ;)<br>
<br>4) while installing phonon you might face right permission error so to install that do "make DESTDIR=$HOME/kde/"[this might be diffrent for you cause its kde install directory ]<br><br>5) now build kde support and then build kdelibs :) but if you want to run trunk then you need to compile kdepim-libs kdebase-apps konsole kdebase-workspace kdebase-runtime<br>
<br>try and send us back your results<br><br>Regards<br>Siddharth<br><br>irc: siddvicious<br> <br>-- <br>Skrooge, a personal finances manager powered by KDE 4.x <br><a href="http://skrooge.org">http://skrooge.org</a> <br>