I'm joining this thread for saying hello to the other "chosen" programmers :)<br>My project is about improving Nepomuk, and you can find it here:<br><a href="http://www.chimera-bellerofonte.eu/2009/03/publishing-my-application/">http://www.chimera-bellerofonte.eu/2009/03/publishing-my-application/</a><br>
<br>Now I have a very good chance to collaborate to one of my favourites open source projects, so I will do the best in my future work. I will start doing things in the next weekend, for I have too some university commitments in these days...<br>
<br>Oh, and by the way, amazing ending to your email :)<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Sivieri Alessandro<br><a href="mailto:alessandro.sivieri@gmail.com">alessandro.sivieri@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://www.chimera-bellerofonte.eu/">http://www.chimera-bellerofonte.eu/</a><br>