Hi GSoC students

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Tue May 26 08:25:27 BST 2020

How is the bonding period for you?

Is there anything that us admins can do to help you?

Remember: start your status pages now, if you have not yet begun. Same with
your blog -- and ensure that it is on the planet. Blogging at least monthly
is a hard requirement, along with communicating with your mentor and team
at least weekly. That is a minimum!

I think most of you have applied for Developer status. If you have not yet
done that, please discuss it now with your mentor(s).

Are you on Twitter? Follow me, and I'll follow you back: @valoriez. Be
warned -- I tweet about all kinds of stuff, now just FOSS. I don't use
Facebook much, but I'll be your friends there if you do.

Anything else?


http://about.me/valoriez - pronouns: she/her
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