aKademy & progress

Loïc Corbasson loic.corbasson at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 14:57:33 CEST 2007

Am dimanche 10 juin 2007 schrieb Thiago Macieira:
> Hello Students,
> We've now completed two weeks of work. I wonder how you're doing. Do
> you have anything you want to share? Is it more difficult than you
> expected? Or is it easier?

As I'm in France and still attending university, working on university 
projects and having my finals in two weeks, it's a little difficult :) 
But that was more or less expected. The most frustrating part is to be 
able to work on my SoC project only late at night, when IRC channels 
are quite empty (so most of the time I have to resolve the problems I'm 
encountering by myself). But for now, I've made some progress and the 
PIM developers are all very nice people I can ask for help when I need 
to (and when they do not sleep) :)

> Also, who among you are coming to aKademy? I know a few are, so we'll
> organise a BoF session to talk about the project.

I'll be in Glasgow from Monday afternoon to Satursday early morning -- 
I'm looking forward to being there!

Best regards,

Loïc Corbasson

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