Hello!<br><br>I am the author of Knights, a KDE4 chess program that is currently in kdereview. It is usable and stable, and there are no known problems, so I would move it to the core distribution soon. Since the whole SC is moving to Git, I suppose it's pointless to move first to kdegames and then to Git, and I'd like to move it to <a href="http://git.kde.org">git.kde.org</a> directly. <br>
<br>There are, however, some technical things that I would have to know first:<br>1.) I presume it's good practice to import all svn history to git. The techbase page references a 50GB database that I would have to download in order to do the conversion. Since the history is not very long, and the rules are very simple (only matching /playground/games/knights and /kdereview/knights), I was hoping someone who already has the environment set up can do it. Is it possible, or do I have to download it all? <br>
<br>2.) Alternatively, is it possible to download only a part of the database (for example from some revision onward)? Or have a script go through all the commits in svn log and apply them to an empty git repo? There aren't that many for Knights.<br>
<br>3.) Is it really necessary to import all commits? I believe it should be for programs that are in the SC already, but how about moving from kdereview? <br><br>4.) This one is reserved for after numbers 1-3 are cleared: where should I write to get a repository on <a href="http://git.kde.org">git.kde.org</a> and a site on <a href="http://project.kde.org">project.kde.org</a>?<br>
<br>Thank you very much for any pointers,<br>Miha<br>