KDE Print error using CUPS and enscript

Ernie Pasveer kde-print@mail.kde.org
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 21:43:56 -0500

Michael wrote:=20

>Did you miss my answer on kde-print? See

Hi Michael,

I guess I did. Sorry about that.

>> Can anyone explain what %psu, %filterargs, and the other % variables a=
>> and
>> how they get set?
>%psu: paper size with first letter as capital letter
>%filterargs: command-line options as described in the associated XML fil=
>%filterinput: the input specification (file or pipe)
>%filteroutput: the output specification (file or pipe)
>%in: the input file
>%out: the output file
>All tags are replaced at run-time by KDEPrint using the print
>options and the potential input/output file (depending on the place
>of the filter in the filter chain).
>> How is there a '' being set as an argument to enscript.
>The '' you get stands for the output file, which happens to be empty.
>The real problem is: why is the enscript filter being used when printing
>from a KDE app. It shouldn't. Check your ~/.lpoptions file.

Thanks. This explains a bit more about the KDE print framework. With this=
email and the above post, I realize what I did wrong.

Here was my problem. I didn't run the "KDE add printer" wizard. I tried t=
hook up to an existing CUPS printer and obviously didn't do it right. As=20
soon as I deleted my printer from the CUPS admin tool and reinstalled it =
the "KDE add printer" wizard, things just worked perfectly! And may I say
I'm impressed! Excellent work KDE-Print team!

Thanks again Michael.
