<table><tr><td style="">dcaliste created this revision.<br />Herald added a project: KDE PIM.<br />Herald added a subscriber: kde-pim.<br />dcaliste requested review of this revision.
</td><a style="text-decoration: none; padding: 4px 8px; margin: 0 8px 8px; float: right; color: #464C5C; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #F7F7F9; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,#fff,#f1f0f1); display: inline-block; border: 1px solid rgba(71,87,120,.2);" href="https://phabricator.kde.org/D25289">View Revision</a></tr></table><br /><div><strong>REVISION SUMMARY</strong><div><p>Date time like DTSTART:20191113T120000 are considered like floating<br />
date time in RFC5545. This commit modifies the icalformat_p readICalDateTime<br />
functions not to use the system time zone in that case, but the<br />
LocalTime spec. Otherwise, there is no way to distinguish incoming<br />
floating time from time given in the system time zone. Then when<br />
exporting to iCal format, the floating format is not conserved.</p>
<p>Also properly export date time in UTC using the Z character and not TZID=UTC<br />
as mentioned in RFC5545 section 3.3.5:<br />
"The "TZID" property parameter MUST NOT be applied to DATE-TIME</p>
<div class="remarkup-code-block" style="margin: 12px 0;" data-code-lang="text" data-sigil="remarkup-code-block"><pre class="remarkup-code" style="font: 11px/15px "Menlo", "Consolas", "Monaco", monospace; padding: 12px; margin: 0; background: rgba(71, 87, 120, 0.08);">properties whose time values are specified in UTC."</pre></div></div></div><br /><div><strong>TEST PLAN</strong><div><p>A test is added in testicalformat.cpp to verify that floating date time,<br />
date, UTC date time and date time with a time zone are properly read<br />
and exported.</p></div></div><br /><div><strong>REPOSITORY</strong><div><div>R172 KCalendar Core</div></div></div><br /><div><strong>BRANCH</strong><div><div>rfc5545</div></div></div><br /><div><strong>REVISION DETAIL</strong><div><a href="https://phabricator.kde.org/D25289">https://phabricator.kde.org/D25289</a></div></div><br /><div><strong>AFFECTED FILES</strong><div><div>autotests/testicalformat.cpp<br />
autotests/testicalformat.h<br />
src/icalformat_p.cpp<br />
src/icaltimezones.cpp</div></div></div><br /><div><strong>To: </strong>dcaliste<br /><strong>Cc: </strong>kde-pim, fbampaloukas, dcaliste, dvasin, rodsevich, winterz, vkrause, mlaurent, knauss, dvratil<br /></div>