[Kde-nonlinux] Bittorrent. Where's the torrent?

John Velman velman at cox.net
Sat Feb 2 21:14:39 CET 2008

On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 10:41:38PM -0500, Benjamin Reed wrote:


I'm glad to see the alternatives you have listed below.

As noted in a previous message, my problem was a) unfamiliarity with
bittorent, b) Tomato apparently --at least-- needs care and feeding by
someone familiar with bittorent and routers.  

Once I got Transmission installed the download went fairly smoothly,
althouth there was still a good deal of unpredictability about when it
would finish.

BUT -- I've got KDE "everything" installed, and so far it seems to be
working with some few glitches (e.g., asking for help -- konqueror manual
doesnt' seem to work and may cause a crash, but I'll wait to report details
until I understand the details a little better).  All in all I'm quite
pleased with this issue of KDE 4.


John Velman
> Hash: SHA1
> John Velman wrote:
> | I want to get KDE 4 native for OX X (leaopard, imac).  Have never used
> | bitttorrent before, but since this seems to be the only way to get kde 4
> | for mac, I decided to try.
> |
> | I installed Tomato as the bittorrent client.
> |
> | So far, I've been downloading for a total of about 16 hours spread
> over two
> | days (I don't leave the mac on at night, but Tomato seemed to start where
> | it left off yesterday.)
> |
> | So far, I've gotten 34.5 % of the 2.45 GB.  At the moment it says 22 hours
> | 33 minuts to go.
> |
> | The download rate hovers around zero a lot, is currently 9.8K/s, Once
> I saw
> | it go up to 40 K/s.   At the moment there are 2 peers, 17 seeds.  I've
> seen
> | as many as 20 seeds.  The maximum upload rate, which is adjustable, is set
> | at 20K/s.
> I personally have 2 servers serving it up at 100k/s a piece, and
> according to the tracker, it's got 64 full seeds and 48 downloads; it
> may just be that you're in a place where the tracker doesn't spread it
> out well.
> | Still, bittorrent seems a miserable way to get the mac version of KDE out.
> It is, but my own personal server couldn't have handled serving a 2 gig
> file to the 1700 people who have so far downloaded it.  :)
> On the other hand, the goal is to put stuff up on ftp.kde.org for the
> next snapshot, now that I have access to it (and now that we have a
> place to put it).
> We also have someone who's volunteered to make an installer like the
> Windows one, which will understand mirrors and be able to pull things
> down in pieces.
> - --
> Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick
> Fink, KDE, and Mac OS X development
> http://www.racoonfink.com/
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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> =T0Wc
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