[kdereview] mplayerthumbs

Marco Gulino marco.gulino at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 08:36:43 GMT 2009

(sorry, i'm late.. very busy days...)
On Thursday 12 February 2009 16:59:04 Matthias Kretz wrote:
> Including a non-Phonon video thumbnail generator is a pragmatic decision.
> It's very much needed, but as long as Phonon can't do it I'm happy with a
> thumbnailer to use something else.
The road till 4.3 should be still long enough.. we could just try including it 
"as it is", have a phonon version for the release shouldn't be impossible

> I'd be even more happy to get the necessary patches to Phonon, though. :-)
Great! The question is: how?
I don't know phonon API's at all, so i'm the wrong guy at proposing patches.
I had a quick review anyway... the player can seek backward and forward, so 
it's not a problem.. and about the "snapshotting".. what if we just have a 
"SnapshotVideoOutput" extending "AbstractVideoOutput"? we could just replace 
the default one in the player, and let the video output make the snapshots.
How does it sound?
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