Help: I need a proper method to detect 99% of all mp3 files

Scott Wheeler wheeler at
Tue Jul 6 13:52:42 BST 2004

On Tuesday 06 July 2004 12:49, Matthias Welwarsky wrote:
> Well, the proper method is to parse the bitstream and see if it is compliant 
> to the standard. This is both quick and reliable, and works with and without 
> tags.

Well, except for the quick part.  ;-)

Operations like this are bound by disk speed, not code complexity or CPU time.

Unfortunately TagLib doesn't contain anything for doing authoritative 
verification of mp3 files -- it mostly leaves this up to the mimetype 
recognition being used by the software using TagLib.  TagLib does however 
contain an implementation of MPEG headers and a mechanism for finding these 
in a file that could be useful in such a tool.



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