[KDE/Mac] QStandardPaths possible solution

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 11:38:10 UTC 2015

On Thursday January 08 2015 16:51:47 Ian Wadham wrote:

Hi Ian

> > I think the hardcoded string should be set at configure time. If you do it properly (#define FAKE_XDG_STANDARDPATH "/where/ever"), you can even  provide a default configure set-up where the code behaves exactly as it does now:
> > This adds a bit of complexity, but having a default configuration that just has some additional lines without effect should make acceptance easier, I guess.
> I agree entirely, especially re prepending the XDG path, if it is defined, and the
> gaining of acceptance.

Reckoned you would :)

Since I am grappling with Qt 5.3.2 anyway, here's (I hope) how Jeremy's proposed patch would look for that version - to be applied through MacPorts (or HB, or Fink, or ...) of course.
I actually caught myself being surprised that this work had apparently been done for Qt4 (port:qt4-mac) but never for port:qt5-mac ...

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