[KDE/Mac] Trying to compile Kile on MacOS 10.4.11: Failed at apple-gcc42

Vittorio Giovara vitto.giova at yahoo.it
Mon Mar 2 18:39:39 CET 2009

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Janus <janus at rtfm.org.ar> wrote:

> 2009/3/2 Vittorio Giovara <vitto.giova at yahoo.it>:
> > how many jobs did you build qt with?
> > when i tried with leopard, i couldn't build it unless i was using exactly
> 1
> > single job
> I am compiling with a single job (well, I think that's the meaning of
> the variable buildmakejobs at macports.conf).

that is correct

> > moreover due a bug you can't have both qt4 and qt3 installed, so you have
> to
> > remove either one!
> I don't have qt3 installed (I have it in fink, but it is installed at
> /sw and the PATH isn't set up, so, there cannot be any conflict).

yes qt3 in fink and qt4 in macports can cohesist with no issues

> > Don't give up!!!
> Well, I will try by deleting /opt and installing everything again
> (maybe I have something wong from the several attempts I did).
> To uninstall the precompiled kde I assume it is enough deleting /opt
> plus deleting /Applications/KDE4, isn't?

yes it's sufficient, and if you also want to do a clean job you can perform
the following
sudo port uninstall installed

> Thanks for the support people!
> Cheers,
>   Janus

eh it reminds me when i tried to get kile on leopard and when i finally did
it it was an unusable program :-D
good luck, maybe kde on tiger has less problems (once compiled that is)


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Janus <janus at rtfm.org.ar> wrote:

> 2009/3/2 Vittorio Giovara <vitto.giova at yahoo.it>:
> > how many jobs did you build qt with?
> > when i tried with leopard, i couldn't build it unless i was using exactly
> 1
> > single job
> I am compiling with a single job (well, I think that's the meaning of
> the variable buildmakejobs at macports.conf).
> > moreover due a bug you can't have both qt4 and qt3 installed, so you have
> to
> > remove either one!
> I don't have qt3 installed (I have it in fink, but it is installed at
> /sw and the PATH isn't set up, so, there cannot be any conflict).
> > Don't give up!!!
> Well, I will try by deleting /opt and installing everything again
> (maybe I have something wong from the several attempts I did).
> To uninstall the precompiled kde I assume it is enough deleting /opt
> plus deleting /Applications/KDE4, isn't?
> Thanks for the support people!
> Cheers,
>   Janus
> --
> Alejandro Díaz-Caro
> PhD Student
> Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
> http://membres-liglab.imag.fr/diazcaro
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