[KDE/Mac] Rép : Rép : Rép : /opt/kde4/bin/kfmclient

mi demur mi.demur at tinet.cat
Tue Jun 3 16:54:57 CEST 2008

thanks for your answer and help.
it seems that .profile is:      Setting the path for MacPorts
I have not .profile.mpsaved
I don't use MacPorts
how to configure .profile ?

Last login: Tue Jun  3 16:22:07 on ttyp5
Welcome to Darwin!
MacOS-X-10-4:~ miqueldemur$ ls -a
.                                     .lpoptions                         
..                                     .macports                         
         Enviar registro
.CFUserTextEncoding     .profile                            Faxes
.DS_Store                        .sheepshaver_nvram      Library
.MacOSX                          .sheepshaver_prefs      Movies
.TaoUSign                          .soprano                        Music
.Trash                              .strigi                              
.Xauthority                        .viminfo                            
.bash_history                     .wine                              
Desktop                                  Sites
.local                             Documents
MacOS-X-10-4:~ miqueldemur$ cat .profile
# Your previous .profile  (if any) is saved as .profile.mpsaved
# Setting the path for MacPorts.
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
MacOS-X-10-4:~ miqueldemur$

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