Hello,<br><br>my problem was not completely solved, because after I booted today and logged in the same thing happened. Each app spans to the size of the virtual screen but not to one of them.<br><br>After I open the monitor configuration and disable the options, apply enable the options and apply again everything is normal.<br><br>Something else is bothering me. When I login, I have only one screen active and I have to run xranr manually (in the startup scripts)<br><br> xrandr --output VGA --right-of LVDS --auto<br><br>may be because of this all happens. But why are the settings not saved when I logout.<br><br>I created a new user and logged in and both monitors were active.<br><br>Thus where KDE saves the settings for xrandr? I did grep on the .kde dirs and did not find anything.<br><br>thanks<br><BR><BR><p>
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