Hi guys and gals,<br><br>Firstly, love the way plasma is going, new way of thinking and it's <span style="font-style: italic;">the </span>way ;)<br><br>Last night I was playing around with eye candy - themes, icons and the GUI in general - when some 'event' occurred that resulted in my KickOff icons going a bit strange... the 'K' icon was replaced with a big white arrow pointing left (the icon was of the same style as the 'K' - big, blue and white), and the logoff, shutdown, etc. icons from the 'leave' menu were all changed to 'monitor + computer' icons. All the icons on the shutdown popup screen (the moon window) had also changed to these 'monitor + computer' icons. And the icons of the desktop objects had changed as well. The 'x' (remove) icon changed to a kwrite icon, god know what the rotate icons changed to (some gold thing) and the spanner icon had changed to something indefinable as well.
<br><br>No amount of trying to set icons or themes would change them back, so I deleted my .kde4 directory. Everything was reset to default apart from these broken icons! I then logged in as another user, and their icons were fine. So I moved my whole home directory and created a new one - still the same icons under my account were these 'my computer' imitation icons.
<br><br>In the end I changed the UID of my account from 100 to 1007, restored my old home directory, and lo and behold my icons reverted back to they way they should be. <br><br>So what is this all about? KDE stores some stuff at an application level regarding users? Does anyone know what is going on here?