<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Sans Serif">
<p>On Wednesday 11 October 2006 17:00, Sylviane et Perry White wrote:</p>
<p>> On Tuesday 10 October 2006 23:45, Eugene Nine wrote:</p>
<p>> > On Tuesday 10 October 2006 13:14, Sylviane et Perry White wrote:</p>
<p>> > > Hi list,</p>
<p>> > ></p>
<p>> > > I googled briefly for optical character recognition and the choice was</p>
<p>> > > quite big. Can anyone give me somje advice for a simple free (and easy</p>
<p>> > > to install) OCR program for use with kde linux (kde 3.4.0, Suse 9.1)</p>
<p>> ></p>
<p>> > There is an app called kooka which is included with KDE and it requires</p>
<p>> > gocr.</p>
<p>> Thanks a lot,</p>
<p>> I couldn't find a rpm for Suse 9.1 (only for later versions) but</p>
<p>> sourceforge has the source gocr-0.41.tar.gz. I may try to install that.</p>
<p>> Perry</p>
<p>(Follow up)</p>
<p>Installation was easy but gocr gave me the following result:</p>
<p>L'_ssn__ic_tiun l_i1ite puur 1_ 4_c_litė de 1_ _-_ie d_ns les EMS, et le druit _ 1_</p>
<p>di_gnitė des persunnes __gėes. E11e nr_gc_nise _n __entre d_nfnrt_c_tinn et pr_ne 1e</p>
<p>That was ripped off from a pdf file (enlarged to +-80 char on a screenwidth) using ksnapshot (.png) and converted by the Gimp to .ppm.</p>
<p>Furthermore the font had serif (I tried this file because I want to quote and reply to it )</p>
<p>Just out of curiosity I may try to find out under what circumstances gocr really works.</p>
<p>Any comments, list?</p>
<p>Cheers Perry</p>
<p>-- </p>
<p>BOFH excuse #78: Yes, yes, its called a design limitation</p>