Greetings,<br><br>I have applied Google SoC 2006 for KNotes improvement on categories. My task is add categories for KNotes(not accepted yet, but I am trying my best to win it). Now I am facing a choice and need your help.
<br>I can't decide the users prefer which kind of "categories" in knotes. A traditional structure like a tree or some tags like <a href=""></a>? In details, the questions are following:
<br>1. Is more than one level categories needed?<br>2. If you mind there is no "new" and "delete" function for categories? Because tags don't need "new" and "delete". They come with notes.
<br>If you can give some advices on this, I will be appreciate. :-)<br><br>Thank you very much.<br><br>PS: English is not my native language. If I don't express myself well, please forgive me. If you have time, correcting me is better. :-)
<br><br>-- <br>regards,<br>Yang Sheng<br>