I am running FC3. I updated my KDE-3.4 to 3.5.1 using yum with <br> kde-redhat -stable repos. I was having problems with groupupdate so I did it <br> with yum update kde*. (I didn't want to update OO or anything else anyway, <br> JUST KDE desktop). <br> All went well. <br> The next day I did a check-update with kde-redhat and found 3 more packages I <br> might need. <br> PyQt.i386<br> PyQt-devel.i386 and <br> redhat-menus.noarch<br> after updating these 3 packages, I lost my system settings sub menu with all its <br> apps, I lost the menu editor (rightclick on kmenu, the editor is still there but <br> doesn't work), and I lost the panel (kicker) config options, and I lost the control <br> center. <br> <br> I have tried many things and can't remember all of what I tried. <br> I found the kmenuedit executable and replaced the system settings submenu <br> and the only app I could recall being in there was the service manager. the <br> control
center->desktop->panel window is empty. I found kcontroedit executable <br> but don't know what to do. <br> <br> Any suggestions? I would like to try to "fix" this if I can for the learning <br> experience, but if I need to remove/reinstall KDE I guess I will. <br> I know I can relace the missing menus and apps, but I don't know what they <br> are. I can deal with kmenuedit CLI instead of the rightclick option. I have no <br> idea what to do with the panel config (tadkbar is the only option in the conigure panel dialogue). <br> <br> Here is what's left of my kmenu...<br> Accessories<br> Edutainment<br> Games<br> Graphics<br> Internet<br> Office<br> Programming<br> Sound and Video<br> System Tools<br> And the newly added nearly empty <br> System Settings (only one app so far which I believe should be under "other").<br> Control Center<br> <br> Thanks for any help<br> MN<br> <p>
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