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<tt>Hi Dale,<br>
thank you for your tip. Using pppconfig with a new account and doing
just as you said on the console - and there it worked: I went onto the
net! (as a relatively new Linux user, I was not so used to the console,
you know!).<br>
But as kppp offers other functionalities which I wouldn't know how to
access from within a console, I'm still trying to find out what is
wrong. One question: do you think kppp uses files which are generated
after a configuration with pppconfig (and that kppp would like to see
exactly the same entries as in those other [pppconfig] files) ?<br>
Thanks for yor help<br>
Ludovic M.<br>
</tt>Dale wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid439A0916.3000600@exceedtech.net" type="cite"><br>
<pre wrap=""><!---->
It looks like a config problem to me. It appears it is exiting with a
error 2, which the man page explains as this:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap=""> 2 An error was detected in processing the options given,
such as two mutually exclusive options
being used.
<pre wrap=""><!---->
It sounds like you are telling it to do things one way in one config and
another way somewhere else. I did that once but I can't recall what I
If you want to really test this, do a pppconfig and set up a account
that way. When you get it set up, type in pon <name of the account you
set up>. For the name of the account, let's say your ISP account that
you set up in pppconfig is called "earthlink". The command would be pon
earthlink. If that works, poff will tell it to disconnect. You don't
have to have the name on poff though.
Doing it that way is pretty easy. The only thing I changed is the login
name, password, and phone number on mine. I think the rest is default.
Don't get me started on wvdial. It still don't work here.
Hope that helps.