[kde-linux] Print problem related to font?

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 28 08:21:30 UTC 2007

Suddenly I'm having printing problems, whether to printer or to pdf.  This 
started after I installed some additional fonts.  A typical error message is

gs -q -dSAFER -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=$out{/home/anne/Desktop/print.pdf} -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -c .setpdfwrite -f '/home/anne/tmp/kde-anne/kprinter_7765' : 
execution failed with message:
CRIT: rangecheck in get Operand stack: Alphabet_of_Children.pfb 0 

Alphabet_of_Children is the name of one of the fonts.  Any hints as to the 
problem and its treatment?  Thanks

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