[kde-linux] (kde)bluetooth on Debian Sid

Patrick patrick at evilplatypus.net
Mon Oct 15 22:06:55 UTC 2007

Sorry about replying to myself, but I've got some extra info that might 

What I'm actually trying to do is use my phone as HID device (a remote 
basically). I can now get this to work if I use hidd as root. This is 
ofcoarse far from ideal, since I don't want to become root for something like 
this, every time I want to use my phone as remote. And after a while the 
phone will disconnect and try and reconnect if I push a button. This then 
fails, because connecting _from_ the phone never works, for anything. I have 
no idea how you can debug this, all the sites I found via google seem to 
state "it just works" and it probably does, for most.

Just wanted to share this.


On Monday 15 October 2007 20:22:58 Patrick wrote:
> Hi there.
> I've been trying to convince my system to pair with my mobile phone for the
> last few days, and I've run out of ideas how to make it work.
> My computer can find my phone if I set it to visible and I've finally got
> it to accept the PIN about 50% of the time. I can then use OBEX to transfer
> files back and forth. Anything else just fails.
> I'm trying to use kdebluetooth under KDE 2.5.8 and the help file says I
> might need to configure incoming connections "use the KDE control center
> and go to Internet & Network -> Bluetooth services, or right-click the
> kbluetoothd tray icon and select Configuration -> Services...". I don't
> have either of these options and using the command line hciconfig tool I am
> unable to find a way to get the PC visible (I can enable iscan OR pscan
> manually but I can't imagine I'd have to become root after every boot just
> to enable connection to my phone).
> Connecting FROM my phone, for whatever service never works btw.
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