[kde-linux] Starting up KDE hangs with a black desktop and movable mouse cursor.

david gnome at hawaii.rr.com
Thu Nov 22 08:01:48 UTC 2007

Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 November 2007, david wrote:
>>> Perhaps reinstalling the KSMServer would fix the connection between KDE
>>> and X? I'll try that now and let you know what happens.
>> Didn't help. Attempts to start KDE from the command line still report
>> being unable to start kdeinit. I can't find kdeinit listed as a separate
>> package, so I don't know if simply reinstalling kdeinit would fix things.
>> Looks like reinstalling system fresh is the only option.
> Check the solutions proposed here_
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=452053

Thanks, Kevin, but no cheers for me yet.

I didn't see any solutions proposed there that I haven't already tried. 
ksmserver was already at the 3.5.8.+whatever level. Where would I find 
the .xsession-errors log? I didn't see it anywhere in /var/log. I've 
watched the shutdown of a KDE unsuccessful attempt to start from the 
command line, and don't get any errors about DBUS messages. The only 
errors it gives during shutdown is messages about failing to connect 
with kdeinit - which appears to just silently fail.

gnome at hawaii.rr.com
authenticity, honesty, community

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