[kde-linux] Setting Konqueror File Manager Defaults

Merton Campbell Crockett mcc at CATO.GD-AIS.COM
Sat Sep 10 01:10:42 UTC 2005

On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Anne Wilson wrote:

> On Friday 09 Sep 2005 17:39, Merton Campbell Crockett wrote:
> > Pine doesn't seem to know how to query the domain controller.  I am
> > looking at KMail and Evolution as possible replacements for Pine.  I
> > favour Evolution as it allows me to select the mail folders that are
> > displayed in the left-hand navigation menu.  KMail wants to list all of
> > the folders and files in my home directory on my IMAP server.
> >
> That's most odd.  I read my mail with KMail pulling from an IMAP server, 
> and see only the Inbox + the mail folders that I have created.
> > It appears that KMail, Evolution, and the mail application on a Mac OS X
> > laptop use the same engine for accessing the IMAP server and generating
> > the message list.  It's the date format in the message list that I want
> > to change.  The date format seems to be defined in some XML file and I
> > have not found where this can be changed.
> >
> Again, in the message list I see 09/09/2005 17:47 etc.

Thanks, Anne.  I found the "locale" radio button in KMail that set the 
date/time to 2005-09-09 17:58 format and got rid of the "friendly" time 
stamps in the message-list.  In the process, I discovered how to change 
what KMail displays in the mail folder list.

Now, I need to find how to get KMail to save incomplete draft messages on 
the IMAP server in the same file used by Pine.

At the moment, KMail has the lead over Evolution as my replacement for 

The acid test will be whether KMail or Evolution can successfully query 
the Windows domain controller for mail addresses.

Merton Campbell Crockett

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ORG:				General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
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N:				Crockett;Merton;Campbell
EMAIL;TYPE=internet:		mcc at CATO.GD-AIS.COM
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:	+1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=work,fax:		+1(805)497-5050
TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg:	+1(805)377-6762
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