[Kde-java] Help

Paul Sprakes pauls at sprakes.co.uk
Tue Aug 26 20:01:26 CEST 2003

I'm a Java programmer looking to learn KDE programming, eventually in c++,
so I'm giving the bindings a try.

I'm following the KDE tutorial at:


and converting the code to java as I go.

I've got a problem at part 3 of the tutorial where they connect the
File->Open and File->Save menu items to fileOpen() and fileSave() methods.
The code compiles and runs really well, except that when I select either of
the above menu items the application crashes.

Here is the c++ code for fileOpen()

void MainWindow::fileOpen()
    KURL filename = KFileDialog::getOpenURL( QString::null, "*", this );
    QString msg = QString( i18n("Now this app should open the url %1 .")
    KMessageBox::information( 0, msg, i18n( "Information" ), 
                "fileOpenInformationDialog" );

and here is my java version

public void fileOpen() {
        KURL filename = KFileDialog.getOpenURL(null, "*", this, null);
        String msg = i18n("Now this app should open the url %1 . ") +
        KMessageBox.information(null, i18n("Information"),

I've identified that the KFileDialog line is the offending one and that
getOpenURL() takes one more parameter (a string) then the c++ version. Can
anyone see what's wrong?

Thanks, Paul.

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