Hi KDE India,<br><br>KWebTest version 0.1 ( KDE3 Version is available for download)<br>( KWebTest is a functional website testing tool using KHTML.)<br><br>The download comes a little late, but I had to get my organization's permission to upload this.<br>
Also I had to take out all the proprietary code before I could upload it. <br><br>The project page is at:<br><a href="http://code.google.com/p/kwebtest">http://code.google.com/p/kwebtest</a><br><br>The project is licensed under the LGPL.<br>
<br>If you want to have an SVN checkout of trunk:<br>"svn checkout <a href="http://kwebtest.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/">http://kwebtest.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/</a> kwebtest-read-only"<br><br>If you want to try/test KWebTest I recommend getting the tarball, as trunk would be constantly moving target.<br>
<br>I am now close to the KDE4 port of this application; The KDE4 port should come out this weekend ( given enough cigarettes and sleepless nights :) )<br><br>Screenshot: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/manish_chaks/863018415/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/manish_chaks/863018415/</a><br>
<br>The site is in a bad state now.<br><br>Things will get better and more organized by this weekend, following the KDE4 port.<br>-- <br>Manish Chakravarty<br><a href="http://manish-chaks.livejournal.com">http://manish-chaks.livejournal.com</a><br>