Hi kde-in,<br><br>I have finished majority of my book "Programming with KDE4"<br>It is now 400+ pages. It will grow a little more (More on this later)<br><br>I need to select a license for the book<br><br>I want to be able to:<br>
1) Let other people contribute/modify the book<br>2) Let the book be distributable over the internet, freely<br>3) I dont want people to pirate hard copies of the book ( if it ever gets printed, that is :) )<br>4) I want to be able to sell the book as well.<br>
<br>I want it to be free as in opensource ; not free as in beer.<br><br>I wanted to go in for GNU FDL, but that does not seem to suit me. I have lots of code snippets from kdelibs/kdepimlibs. <br>Both those libs are under LGPL and IMHO GFDL and LGPL are _not_ compatible. <br>
<br>I would be breaking copyright/copyleft law if the book is released with LGPL<br><br>I am planning to complete the following two applications as case studies:<br>Konsider: It is a "thought taking application" ( I came up with the marketing lingo myself ;) ) similar to Microsoft OneNote. Has google notebook integration<br>
KWebTest: A functional website testing tool ( The previous could not be released as it was SpikeSource property. I have re-written it using kdelibs4 )<br><br>The book will carry links to the source code as well. The programs are under LGPL.<br>
<br>The book comes out on 31st March 2008<br><br>The table of contents looks like:<br>Introduction<br> Hello World!<br> pre-requisites<br> Lets Dive In!<br><br><br>The Qt library<br> Introduction to the Qt library <br>
A quick program in Qt<br> "Signals" and "slots"<br> The Qt Object system<br> The Qt Widget System<br> Making a "real-world" application using Qt<br> Exploring Qt further<br>Introduction to KDE4<br> Introduction to the world of KDE<br>
What is KDE?<br> Why KDE?<br> For users<br> For developers<br> KDE4.0<br> What's the difference between KDE "4.0.0" and KDE4?<br> What's new in KDE4<br> For users<br> For developers<br>
It's everywhere: Linux, Solaris, BSD, OSX and Windows!<br> Linux<br> Solaris<br> BSD<br> OSX<br> Windows<br> How do I install KDE4?<br> Linux<br> Solaris<br> BSD<br>
OSX<br> Windows<br> How do I setup dev environment for KDE4?<br> Linux<br> Solaris<br> BSD<br> OSX<br> Windows<br><br>Programming with KDE4<br> My first quick KDE4 Program<br>
The Hello World Program<br> The code<br> Compiling the code<br> Viewing the result<br> What did we learn?<br> A slightly more complex program (Using KXmlGui)<br> The Code<br> A simple walkthrough<br>
Viewing the result<br> A note on making XML based user interfaces<br><br>The KDE4 Application framework<br> Some interesting KDE4 Classes<br> KFile<br> KIO<br> KIOSlave<br> KDEsu<br>
Some important KDE4 Widgets<br> KHTML<br> KTextEditor<br> KMediaPlayer<br> <br> KParts: A very powerful framework<br> The Phonon multimedia framework<br> The Solid device framework<br>
Strigi Metadata framework<br> The Nepomuk Media Data framework<br><br>Case Studies: A couple of real-world KDE4 Applications<br> "Konsider" – A "thought-taking" application<br> "KWebTest" – A simple web site testing tool<br>
<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Manish Chakravarty<br><a href="http://manish-chaks.livejournal.com/">http://manish-chaks.livejournal.com/</a><br>