The below mentioned design is pretty good.<BR>
Chandra Sekhar.<BR>
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote :<BR>
>Hi all,<BR>
> A lot was discussed during the course of last week about various<BR>
>aspects of the T-Shirt design that Ken kindly made. Some loved it,<BR>
>some liked it, some didnot. Some members were apprehensive about the<BR>
>legality of the design because of its close resemblence to the Indian<BR>
>flag. Some said they were alright with it.Well the discussion went on<BR>
>and on. Seems like its still on.<BR>
> Oke we need to get to actual work and theres no point in<BR>
>delaying this matter. It was suggested by Till and Ananth to have a<BR>
>simple open vote about the legality of the design that Ken sent us.<BR>
>Hence I trigger of this vote to arrive at a concrete result.<BR>
> The design in question is attached with this mail for your<BR>
>perusal - please vote for or against the legality and the<BR>
>"dangerousness" of the design.<BR>
> The voting process will be open till Sunday (15th of January)<BR>
>night [23:59 IST]. I am purposely giving such time frame because we<BR>
>have quite a lot of students (and also for some people) in the list<BR>
>who might be checking their mails on Saturday/Sunday evening because<BR>
>of various reasons that they might have.<BR>
> We have a 100+ members, it would be awesome if most if not all<BR>
>voted. Btw way while a lot was discussed and loads of ideas were sent<BR>
>nobody barring Vijay and Hetul sent a actual design or mockup. Thanks<BR>
>both you for the same :). So send in your mockups to the other thread.<BR>
> Thank you for your co-operation. Remember that your vote is<BR>
>important. Please do vote. Thanks again. :)<BR>
> Cheers!<BR>
>KDE-india mailing list<BR>
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