Hi folks,<br> I have started breaking libkipi binary compatibility (:)). Just added the HostSupportsTags feature in the enum list of features. Now Applications can support this feature. <br>I would like to discuss some implementation issues here, which will come during further feature addition to this attributes() set of functions.
<br><br>The host application are expected to return a QMap <QString, QVariant> for the attributes() function.<br>The map contents (key, value) need to be standardized so that plugins can take out some attribute from the map using a well defined key. For the tags feature I have used the String "tags" as the key.
<br><br>I would look forward for other developers comment regarding this sort of standardization. Where should guidlines regarding this be kept noted. I will update the inline documentation. For the time being I hope that should be sufficient.
<br clear="all"><br><br>Vardhman<br>-- <br>Blogs: <a href="http://vardhman.blogspot.com">http://vardhman.blogspot.com</a><br>