[Kde-imaging] Integrate kipi-plugins ins kgrab

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 08:42:21 CET 2009

2009/2/2 Marcus Hufgard (Kalkwerk Hufgard GmbH) <Marcus.Hufgard at hufgard.de>

> Hi!
> I want to integrate the kipi-plugin-interface in kgrab (The fork of
> ksnapshot).
> Is there an god documentation how to do this. Or should i look at the
> code of other programs with kipi-plugins.
> In which program is the interface realized best?

I'm not sure to understand. do you want to set-up a kipi-plugin interface
for Kgrab to be able to use this tool in digiKam or others kipi host
applications ? I don't see any advantage to make a kipi interface to Kgrab
(like in digiKam) to use plugins in this program... Plugins are more
dedicated to be used in image management programs...

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