[Kde-imaging] RFC: about 0.1.3 final

Colin Guthrie kde at colin.guthr.ie
Tue Jan 16 12:28:15 CET 2007

Angelo Naselli wrote:
> Alle 11:54, martedì 16 gennaio 2007, Colin Guthrie ha scritto:
>> Angelo Naselli wrote:
>>> Did you read PACKAGING file under libs? ;)
>> No, that would have been far too clever of me!!!
>> I've tested it and the tarballs does indeed contain the sync folder but
>> it still doesn't get "in the way" of building.
>> It's up to you if you care about it being shipped (slighly larger
>> tarball) or not. I am happy to use a branch as Gilles suggests if you
>> think it'll be neater. Just poke me (probably safer via a private mail
>> due to Gmane's recent borkage!) and I'll do the necessary commits. I'm
>> faily proficient in branching/merging etc. so this is no problem if you
>> think it necessary.

> Well if we release final this week-end (next week at the latest), i believe
> there's no problem. I believe some brackages are possible in the next
> devel version :).

Nah, I wont commit the Makefile.am until it actually works :)

> Anyway I'll try to make a tarball using (it's not so hard though, if you don't
> mind about version) release_kipiplugins.rb ;)

I've tried that - it's what I meant when I said "I've tested it"
above.... sorry I should have been clearer. :p Results as said above.


|     Colin Guthrie      |
| kde(at)colin.guthr.ie  |
| http://colin.guthr.ie/ |

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