[Kde-imaging] [PATCH] improvements to uploadwidget.cpp

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at free.fr
Mon Sep 25 12:30:16 CEST 2006


I finally got annoyed with UploadWidget not expanding his treeview to the
uploadPath and patched it.

Here is the description of the attached patches:
- uploadwidget_renaming.diff
  Just some renaming before the real work, essentially naming
'KFileTreeBranch' as 'branch' and 'KFileTreeViewItem' as 'item'

- uploadwidget_open_upload_path.diff
  The real work: reworked tree expanding. Works with Gwenview, didn't
try it with other apps.

- uploadwidget_hide_header.diff
  A very simple patch to remove the treeview header line, saving some
valuable vertical space.

Ok to commit?

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