[Kde-imaging] Slideshow dialog

Valerio Fuoglio (thewally) thewally at linux.it
Mon Oct 16 22:22:10 CEST 2006

some time ago, Angelo said me that slideshow isn't so easy to modify as 
should be, because its configuration dialog is coded directly into 
its .cpp files.

A  dialog created with qt-designer  should help... (I hope...)

Here it is : http://pub.thewally.it/kipi/

Please, tell me if it's ok, so I can go on with bugs and wishes.. 

If slideshow plugin still unmaintained (Angelo, is it?), I would take 
care of it, can I?

Valerio Fuoglio (TheWally) ~ thewally at linux.it ~ http://www.thewally.it
"La verità non danneggia mai una causa giusta."
(Mahatma Gandhi)
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