[Kde-imaging] Reg KIPI

Tom Albers tomalbers at kde.nl
Wed Mar 29 11:06:55 CEST 2006

Op Tuesday 28 March 2006 17:56, schreef Vardhman Jain:
>         I posted a mail inquiring feasibility of some addition in the KIPI
> interface, 2-3 days ago. Haven't received any suggestions/replies on that.
> The problem with kipi development seems not to be solved as yet. Even after
> assigning individuals to maintain each plugin, the libkipi itself seems to
> remain short of any commited developer.

Yep. To be honest, I dont think anyone will do the necessary work on libkipi 
for you. If you need it, you need to make it yourself. I don't think anyone 
with knowledge has time or motivation (to prevent a misunderstanding: I know 
less about libkipi then you do).

> Also Can we have a more regular release
> schedule for kipi-plugins ? If its too difficult to coordinate why not
> allow the Digikam developers to take the complete responsbility. I am not
> trying to start a flame war here, I just want to express my concern over
> the issue.

The release script is in svn, anyone can run it and make a tarball. There is a 
kipi sf page where you can get access to to upload it. Again, this is 
something _you_ can do. 

remark 1
The digikam team has a new packager, maybe someone should contact him and ask 
to do it for kipi as well, I think he will enjoy it.

remark 2
in the digikam repository there are packaging instructions, maybe they are 
usefull to read.

> As a kipi-developer, I don't see my plugin being available to the user
> easily. (First they have to seperately install this libkipi etc stuff and
> then the updated version can only be obtained from the SVN). With so much
> development going on in various kipi-plugins we should atleast ensure as
> frequent issues of kipi as we have for digikam and digikam image plugins.
> This is not to overshadow the other projects which support kipi but only to
> enhance the kipi-plugins availability to users.

I think it would be best to package it now (as in asap) as final version 
(unless there are grave bugs), so that is behind us and start with a clean 

I'm available for questions about the packaging.


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