<P>Hiii :)</P>
<P>ok as I saw in mails I did use "karozare interneti" for ISP and "parvandeye gofle Mutt" </P>
<P>for "&mutt dotlock" and "mansokh" for "outdated", thanks to all<BR>I want some suggestions again!<BR>I want to use...<BR>"jabeye daryaft" for "Inbox"<BR>"jabeye ersal" for "outbox"<BR>about CC and BCC<BR>cc is courtesy copy which means "copie moaddabane!!" (in a bad translation) <BR>in the oxford pocket dictionary, there is an idiom: "by courtesy of" that is "with the favour </P>
<P>or permision of"... <BR>I suggest to use "copie post" for "CC" and "copy post penhan" for "BCC" (blinde </P>
<P>courtesy copy) as we used "post" for mail</P>
<P>and I used "nam" for "first name" and "name khanevadegi" for "last name".</P>
<P>Thanks in advance for suggestions <BR>and </P>
<P>I did saw in emails about texts in tags... when a string starts with tags how should I </P>
<P>make the translation to be right to left? when I write inside the tag (in english) it turns </P>
<P>left to right..</P>
<P>bye! <BR></P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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