[Kde-i18n-fa] FarsiKDE

Hossein S. Zadeh hossein at hossein.bf.rmit.edu.au
Sat May 24 01:55:03 CEST 2003

On Fri, 23 May 2003, Payam bahraini wrote:

> Would you please explain the CVS option further?( That
> takes no time to download the whole !)

CVS stands for Concurrent Version Control (which probably doesn't mean 
much the first time you hear it). 

Basically CVS sets up a repository where all of one's files are kept. The 
files are kept in CVS's internal format, so the files are not directly 
usable. In order to use the files, one has to "check out" the file. This 
creates a local copy of the file on one's computer. Once one is done with 
the file (editing, whatever...), one can "commit" the new file back to the 
repository. This has quite a few advantages: there is always a central 
repository as a reference; multiple users can have local copies of the 
same file (multiple users working on the same "file"); and having 
check-points based on time stamp of the commits.

OK, let me explain:

I have set up a CVS server which I use for all of my documents (more than 
1.5GB of data!). I have "check out" my files on my workstation (at work), 
on my computer at home, and on my laptop. 

Every time I need to edit a file, I first "check out" the latest copy of 
the file (to make sure I am working on the latest copy). I then do 
whatever editing I need to do. Once done, I "commit" the file to the 

If I do this at work for example, then at home I can just "check out" the 
file in order to get the latest version of the file I was working on 
during the day. 

1) This eliminates the need to carry around loads of floppies (or Zip
drives, or USB storages, or whatever). 

2) CVS also has the advantage that it only transfers whatever portion of
the file that was actually changed. For example, if you have a 10MB file,
and you change one line of it, CVS only transfers a few lines to bring
your old file up to date.

3) I don't need to worry about having a number of copies of the same file, 
and always wondering which one is which (a "very" common problem among 
"all" computer users I've seen)

4) Recently I had to re-install Linux on my laptop. I did not need to 
worry about backing up my files. I formatted the hard disk, re-install 
Linux, and checked out the entire module (all of my files). This alone is 
enough to justify using CVS.

5) For my word processing and desktop publishing I use (mostly) LaTeX and
(sometimes) RTF. I always add a little footnote at the bottom of the first
page that contains "$Id:$" (without the quotes). When I commit the file,
the footer is automatically expanded by CVS to include date, time, and
version number of the file. When I pick up one of my files printed on
paper, I know exactly which version of the file it is (this is a great
time saver).

There are lots of other features to CVS, but that's another story for 
another time....

with regards to KDE: KDE developers use CVS to keep track of the source 
code. You can use CVS to make a copy of KDE source code on your computer. 
You can subsequently compile this source code. If at a later time you 
decide to upgrade KDE, you can use CVS again to update the source code. 
This only downloads the portions of the code which is actually different 
with what you already got--saving you a lot of time for the download.

Also note that usually source codes are much smaller in size than 
executables. So downloading source code is faster (not considering how 
long it takes you to compile the thing).

> I don't also understand the ISO images. What are they
> and how can i use them to have a KDE 3.1.x ?

ISO files are just a "snapshot" of a CD. You can use a CD to create an ISO 
image, or you can burn a CD based on an ISO image. What I was referring to 
instead of buying RH CDs, you can download the ISO files, and burn them 
on CD.


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