[kde-i18n-el] Fwd: SVN and i18n (revisited)

Spiros Georgaras sngeorgaras at otenet.gr
Mon May 2 18:52:06 CEST 2005

Για την ενημέρωσή σας


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Subject: SVN and i18n (revisited)
Date: Monday 2 May 2005 14:02
From: Sander Koning <sanderkoning at kde.nl>
To: "KDE i18n-doc" <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>

Hi all,

In the "Status of SVN conversion" thread, I already posed this question,
which was left unanswered then. I didn't really mind then, but now that
the switch to SVN is almost there, I'll ask it again:

What will happen with kde-i18n? On the SVN tutorial
[http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/subversion/] kde-i18n
is listed as a "homeless" module, and so (I gather) it will not be put
in trunk/.
What does that mean, exactly? Will i18n not be ported to SVN at all, or
only later? And where? CVS will become readonly after the conversion,
so we won't be able to commit there either...

I'm a bit puzzled-scared-anxious, as you can tell. So many thanks in
advance for a clear answer!

Sander Koning               |         sanderkoning - at - kde.nl

                            |   PGP public key 1024D/F5090DEE

KDE Nederland: www.kde.nl   |   Linux Counter user no. 274892


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