<div>:-D, :-D, :-D</div><div>Translating it I really thought it was currently happening.</div><div>Live is going so fast 20-21-22 are like one and the same season of our lives.</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers,</div><div>Iñigo.<br></div><br>----- Jatorrizko mezua -----<br>Nork: Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org><br>Data: 2022(e)ko Urriak 16(a), Igandea, 0:09<br>Gaia: Re: 25years-kde-org_www.po Sunday October 17th, should be 16th or Monday...<br>Nori: kde-i18n-doc@kde.org<br><br>> El dissabte, 15 d’octubre de 2022, a les 22:44:05 (CEST), Iñigo <br>> Salvador <br>> Azurmendi va escriure:<br>> > Hello,<br>> > I'm finishing the translation for 25years-kde-org_www.po.<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > The date for Nate Graham, Aleix Pol and Lydia Pintscher <br>> answering questions<br>> > on Reddit is written to be held «live on Sunday, <br>> October 17th at 16:00<br>> > UTC».<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > Unless it was held last year, I guess it should <br>> say «on Sunday, October<br>> > 16th» or «on Monday, October 17th».<br>> <br>> Yes, it was held last year, which is the year of the 25th <br>> anniversary of kde.<br>> <br>> Cheers,<br>> Albert<br>> <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > Another thing. It could be useful to show information about this<br>> > 25years-kde-org on the main kde.org page. If there is some <br>> link, sorry, I<br>> > haven't found it.<br>> > <br>> > <br>> > <br>> > Cheers,<br>> > Iñigo.<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>>