Hi all,<br><br>I'm just starting to hack around with solid today, prompted by me plugging my phone in with the usb cable and nothing happening.. :-D<br><br>The phone is a Nokia, and like so many others, supports SyncML over Obex, which can run over http, bluetooth, or usb. Today I'm concerning myself with the usb connection. Support already exists for SyncML with Opensync, and it will happily read and write to the device over usb with obex. I however would love to have notification support for these types of devices.<br>
<br>The end goal I'd like to see, is when I open up Kitchensync, it is able to determine through Solid whether a suitable device is connected or not. Now, I'm sure it's possible to do so already by working with whatever raw usb device info solid is currently able to provide, but I'd like to see more support built in for these types of devices.<br>
<br>The phone connects using a CDC-ACM interface.<br><br>My question therefore is, is this something that is truely within the scope of the solid framework, or am I completely misled? Also, the most logical direction for device/service detection would be to use libopenobex. This could also be used for service detection/listings for bluetooth devices as well?<br>
<br>Any ideas/flames welcome :-)<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>-John<br>