[Kde-hardware-devel] e-Sata and solid.

Hugo Parente Lima hugo.pl at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 05:03:33 CEST 2010

On Sunday 19 September 2010 20:42:44 Lamarque Vieira Souza wrote:
> Em Sunday 19 September 2010, Hugo Parente Lima escreveu:
> > Hi;
> > 
> > When I connect a e-SATA HD on my computer solid says nothing, is this a
> > bug in my distro (archlinux), a unsupported feature or something that
> > should work but isn't... in other words, should I file a bug report?
> > 
> > Btw when I say Solid I mean the plasma applet, hehe.
> > 
> > P.S.: Kernel reports the e-SATA connection and disconnection and I'm able
> > to mount/umount by command line.
> 	You have to tell hald to do not ignore your hard driver's partittion.
> Copy the attached file to /etc/hal/fdi/policy/40-e-sata.fdi, change the udi
> to match your driver's partition udi, restarts hald, unplug your disk,
> wait 15s to hal to remove all information about the disk, then plug the
> disk again.
> 	You can find your disk udi using the other attached script:
> find_disk_udi /dev/sdb
> 	Change /dev/sdb to your driver's device path.

It worked! :-) Thanks!

There's a way to tell hald to not ignore new driver partitions?

Because write a XML file to be able to mount a external HD isn't much user 
friendly, hehe, or this is the default hald behaviour and you guys from solid 
can't do nothing to fix it?

For example.. if I plug another e-SATA HD on my computer, from a friend, 
whatever, I'll need to write another XML file...  : -/

Again, thanks a lot, now I can use my external HD without going to a term :-D.

Hugo Parente Lima
"Precisamos de mais gênios humildes no mundo, hoje somos poucos!"
JID: hugo at jabber.org
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